What’s Included in Commercial Cleaning Services

What’s Included in Commercial Cleaning Services?

When you hire a company for commercial cleaning, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. There’s all kinds of services which can be included with commercial cleaning, depending upon the nature of your business and your own individual needs. Below we have included a general list of services you should feel free to inquire about when hiring commercial cleaning services. You’re paying for your office to be cleaned and up to your standards, so don’t be afraid to be clear about your requirements. Most reputable cleaning services will be happy to create a customized service program just for you.

Regular Commercial Cleaning Services

Not every task needs to be done each time your cleaners come out, but there are some important services that should be handled regularly. Often, commercial cleaning includes emptying waste bins, vacuuming floors, carpets, and mats, dusting, mopping, and cleaning all the glass in your office. Your commercial cleaners should also be removing unsightly accumulations like cobwebs in the corners of your office and fingerprints on light switches and door handles. Once all these services have been handled, they should take care to put everything back exactly as it was. Don’t settle for less!

Getting the Most Out of Your Commercial Cleaners

Make sure they’re also paying special attention to your restrooms. These can be some of the dirtiest areas of your business, so you want to double-check that they are stocking toilet supplies, emptying trash, cleaning mirrors, mopping and sweeping, and polishing any brass or metal. Keeping your bathroom sanitary and attractive is a great boost to any company’s morale. Some services don’t need to be handled as often, but are equally important. These commercial cleaning services include floor buffing and cleaning the hard-to-reach areas of your exterior glass. Take the time to learn exactly what your commercial cleaning service offers and make sure you’re getting the most out of them.

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